The Perfect Storm

Shall we light a candle, let darkness surround us and lie together until the night is through? Raindrops gently touch the window, as we lay so close that we are almost one. Our hands lay gently, one kissing the other, our faces part slightly, one eclipsing the other, fully loving the other, poised to make sweet, soft love to one another.Our bodies dance to the rhythm of the rain against the window, never missing a beat. Our hearts dance to the rhythm of our souls intertwining over and over, our hearts skip a beat. Kisses sprinkled all over our bodies, the traces glisten in the moonlight. Hefty breathing and fierce sounds fill the tempestuous air as the illumination from the lightening uncovers a wonderful piece of art..paints the picture of moist bodies entangled in love...whispers of "I love you" after the motion ends and sweet caresses to sustain the words spoken...Shall we light a candle, let the darkness surround us, as we lie together until the night is through? Shall we???